2024’s Top Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies for Sellers: What You Need to Know

Unlock the secrets to dominating Amazon in 2024 with cutting-edge PPC strategies, tailor-made for seller breakthroughs and profitability.


Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert

Unlock the secrets to dominating Amazon in 2024 with cutting-edge PPC strategies, tailor-made for seller breakthroughs and profitability.

Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert


Let's face it, navigating Amazon Sponsored Products Campaigns is like walking through a minefield for seven out of every ten sellers.

Sure, kicking off a campaign is a piece of cake, but tweaking and tuning it for better results is where the real challenge lies.
It’s all too easy to fall into PPC pitfalls, pumping up your ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) without really seeing the bang for your buck.

Even if your product rocks and your listing is top-notch, you’re going to need some solid Amazon PPC strategies to truly make your ad campaigns shine.
And that’s exactly why we’ve whipped up this killer Amazon Advertising Strategy Guide for 2024.
Ready to boost your brand’s visibility, drive more traffic, and crank up your sales?
Let’s dive in!

Tip #1:
Master Long-Tail Keywords Before Tackling Popular Ones

This little nugget of wisdom? It’s gold for Amazon Sponsored Products too.
Just starting out on Amazon or launching a new product?
Begin your PPC adventure with long-tail keywords.
These are the unsung heroes that can get you a foothold in the marketplace.
Once you’ve nailed it with these specific, less competitive keywords and tasted some sweet success, then it’s time to aim higher and target those broad, super-popular keywords everyone’s chasing.

Why Starting Small with Keywords Pays Off for New Sellers

Here’s the deal:

jumping into the PPC pool and going head-to-head with the big fish on those super popular keywords? It’s going to be tough as a newbie.
Those keywords are not only competitive but also come with a hefty price tag per click.
So, diving in without a strategy might just drain your budget without boosting your brand’s visibility or sales. Even if you manage to snag some ad impressions, turning those into actual sales is a tall order when you’re up against brands that already have a solid rep for those broad terms.

So, what’s a savvy seller to do?

Start smart with long-tail keywords.
These are your low-hanging fruit – easier to rank for and packed with buyers ready to purchase.
This approach helps you sneak past the competition, score some sales, and build up your sales history. As people get to know and love your brand, and your rankings on Amazon start to climb, that’s your cue to level up to those broader keywords.

Starting With Specifics:

  • Take, for instance, you’re selling a chopping board. Kick things off with something super specific like “electric salt and pepper grinders” or “white wooden cutting board”.
  • These specific queries mean you’re fishing in a smaller pond, making it easier to catch those sales.

Moving Up the Keyword Ladder:

Once you start making sales with the detailed stuff, you can begin targeting broader terms like ‘wooden cutting board’ or ‘vegetable cutting board’. Each successful step boosts your visibility and aligns your product with these more common searches.

Aiming for the Top:

Finally, when you’ve built a solid foundation, aim for those broad, highly sought-after terms like ‘vegetable cutter’.
At this stage, experimenting with different campaigns and keyword match types can help fine-tune your strategy for the best results.

Pro Tip:

Keep it relevant.
Targeting keywords that don’t align with your product is like throwing money into a black hole. Stay focused on terms that will actually convert to keep your ad spend efficient.

Before you dive into the PPC pool, make sure you’ve done your homework…

Before you dive into the PPC pool, make sure you’ve done your homework. Understanding PPC inside and out can be a game-changer for your campaigns. It’s like mapping your treasure hunt—knowing the terrain, pitfalls, and shortcuts can lead you to the gold. So, take the time to study up, learn from the pros, and experiment a bit. This prep work isn’t just about avoiding mistakes; it’s about making your ads work smarter, not harder. Get this right, and watch your sales climb!

Posted by: Sam Rodgers Amazon FBA expert

Tip #2:
Climb the Ranks with Amazon PPC

Ever wonder how to climb up those Amazon search pages?

We’ve cooked up a strategy exactly for this, aiming to bump up your product’s spot in the Amazon search results.
The game plan involves setting up three types of ad campaigns, each with its own budget and bid levels, based on how well your product is currently ranking for certain keywords.
First things first, keep an eye on your top keywords and see where they stand on Amazon.

Here’s what you do next, depending on where you find yourself in the search results:

If You’re Way Back (Beyond Page Five):

When your listing is chilling beyond page five, zoom in on a few keywords that are actually bringing in sales, instead of spreading yourself thin over many. Bid just enough to stay in the game without burning through your budget.

Mid-Pack (Page Two to Five):

For keywords that are hanging out on pages three to five, stick to your top performers. Keep your bids steady and watch to see which ones bring in the most sales. Over time, Amazon will notice these conversions and start boosting your organic rank for these keywords.

Front Runners (Page One and Two):

Now, if your keywords are already close to the top, it’s time to go all in. Ramp up your bids because you’re just a few steps away from the prime spots that could really increase your visibility.

Don’t forget to play around with keyword variations here, too.
Set up a separate campaign aimed at capturing as many of these variations as possible by using phrase match.

Pro Tip:

Keep an eye out for those keywords that just aren’t converting but are still costing you clicks. Tag them as negative keywords to stop bleeding money on ineffective ads. Negative keywords are a big deal in Amazon PPC, so don’t overlook them.

Getting your PPC bids just right is like hitting the sweet spot in a game…

Getting your PPC bids just right is like hitting the sweet spot in a game of darts. It’s all about balance. Bid too low, and you’ll miss out on prime real estate. Go too high, and your budget might take a hit. Aim for that perfect middle ground to maximize visibility without overspending. Keep tweaking until you find what works best for your campaign.

Posted by: Sam Rodgers Amazon FBA expert

Tip #3:
FineTune Your Bids for Better Ad Spots

Amazon rolled out some cool tools earlier this year to level up your PPC game.
Now, you can dial in your campaigns with style, choosing exactly where your ads pop up and how much you’re willing to fork out for those prime spots.

Here’s the scoop: it’s all about tweaking your bids depending on where you want your ads to show.

Your Amazon PPC ads can land in a few key spots:

  • Right at the top of the first page of search results,
  • Somewhere in the middle or bottom of search results, or even on page two and beyond,
  • Or on specific product detail pages and other off-search spots like the add-to-cart page.

For each ad campaign you’ve got running, Amazon lets you peek at a placement report.
This tells you which spots are getting you the most eyes and clicks.
With those insights, you can play around with your bids for each spot, cranking them up anywhere from 0% to a whopping 900%, to boost your chances of snagging more conversions and getting your brand out there.

Breaking Down Amazon's Campaign Bidding Strategies

Alright, let’s get into the three ways you can play the bidding game on Amazon:

Dynamic Bids – Down Only: Amazon’s smart enough to lower your bid in real-time if it thinks your ad’s not gonna clinch a sale. Pretty neat for keeping your budget in check.

Dynamic Bids – Up and Down: Here’s where things get interesting. If your ad’s got a good shot at making a sale, Amazon might bump your bid up by as much as 100% to give it a boost. But, if it’s looking like a no-go, they’ll dial it back down. Keep in mind, for those primo top-of-search spots, your bid can shoot up by 100%. For other spots, the increase caps at 50%.

⦁ Fixed Bids: This one’s easy. What you bid is what you pay, no matter what. No surprises here, as your bid stays the same, sale or no sale.

Now, when you’re setting up your bid, here’s the drill: add any placement multipliers to your base bid first. Then, tack on any dynamic bidding adjustments to get your final bid amount.

Tip #4:
Bundle Your Variations to Boost Visibility and Sales

Got a bunch of product variations?

Grouping them together under one banner (or ASIN) can be a game-changer.
Here’s why: running separate ad campaigns for each variation can quickly eat up your budget and pit your own products against each other.

Not cool, right?
Instead, package those variations into a single offer.
For instance, if you’re selling four flavors of beef jerky at $15 each, why not bundle them into a 4-pack for $50? This move can bump up your average order value, make customers more aware of your brand, and get more eyes on your product with just one ad campaign.

Tip #5:
Focus PPC on Your Star Player

If bundling isn’t your thing or feels like too much, just shine the spotlight on your best-selling variation with PPC.
Sure, you might miss out on some bundling benefits, but your wallet will thank you, and it’s a simpler approach. This way, you attract attention to your top variant, but customers can still discover and buy the other flavors once they’re checking out your ad.

It’s a more streamlined, cost-effective way to boost traffic and sales across your product line without overspending on ads for every single variation.

Tip #6:
Dive Into the World of Alternative Keywords

Here’s a less obvious tip: think beyond the direct, obvious keywords.
Sometimes, shoppers hit Amazon looking for solutions, not specific products.
They might not even know what they’re looking for until they see your product.

So, why not target those solution-oriented, alternative keywords in your ads?
Say you’re selling mushroom coffee. Besides the usual keywords, target things like ‘natural
weight loss remedy’ or ‘healthy caffeine alternatives’. This strategy not only puts your product in
front of folks searching for solutions but also broadens your brand’s reach on Amazon.

Quick Tip:
Peep our guide on crafting product descriptions that sell and make sure your listing copy sings.

And hey, don’t forget to spy on your competition for more keyword and feature ideas to boost your ad and listing game. This approach helps your products stand out, attracting a wider audience and building your brand’s presence on Amazon.
Start small with your budget, go manual on the campaign settings, and fine-tune as you go to max out your ad’s impact.

Tip #7:
Group Products by Price in Your Ads

Imagine you’ve got three products, let’s call them A, B, and C, priced at $10, $15, and $50.
If you lump them all into one ad group, your ACoS (ad cost over sales) will be all over the place because the return on ad spend for each is so different.

By separating the higher-priced product into its own ad group, you can manage your budget better and keep your ACoS in check without the cheaper products skewing the numbers.

Tip #8:
Organize Ads by How Your Products Perform

Instead of just focusing on keywords, consider grouping your ad campaigns by product performance.

If some products have a higher ACoS, pull them into their own campaign.
This way, you can lower the ACOS for your better-performing products and focus on improving the others separately.

Tip #9:
Use Product Targeting to Boost Visibility Within Your Brand

With Product Targeting ads, you can spotlight your lesser-seen products on the pages of your bestsellers.
It’s a smart move that keeps shoppers exploring within your brand, potentially increasing sales across your product range.

Tip #10:
Leverage Competitor Visibility

Target ads on the listings of your top competitors, especially those getting attention through Google Ads or social media. It’s a savvy way to ride on their coattails and get your products seen by a wider audience.

Tip #11:
Understand Your Audience’s Shopping Habits

Knowing when your target audience is most likely to shop can help you time your ads for the best impact. Whether it’s work-from-home parents during the noon or young adults in the evening, timing your ads right can increase your conversion rates.

Tip #12:
Mix It Up with Match Types and Bids

Don’t stick to just one type of campaign or bid strategy. Experiment with different match types, bids, and times to find what works best for your products. It’s about finding the right balance that brings in traffic and sales without overspending.

Tip #13:
Attract New Customers with Brand-Specific Ads

If you’re part of the Amazon Brand Registry, don’t miss out on using Sponsored Brands to attract new shoppers.
These ads can help you track how many new customers you’re bringing in and adjust your strategy to either welcome more newbies or focus on repeat customers.

Each of these tips is about fine-tuning your approach to Amazon PPC to maximize visibility, sales, and brand awareness without blowing your budget.
It’s all about strategic adjustments and smart targeting

When it comes to Amazon PPC, don’t put all your eggs in one basket….

When it comes to Amazon PPC, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Mixing it up with strategies from various disciplines, like drawing insights from YouTube tutorials, marketing blogs, or even social media trends, can give you an edge. It’s about being where your customers are, not just sticking to the usual playbook. Diversify your approach, learn from different arenas, and apply those lessons to your campaigns. This holistic view can lead to innovative tactics that set your ads apart. So, explore, learn, and apply—your next big PPC breakthrough might just come from where you least expect it!

Posted by: Alissa Kimball 6-year Amazon seller

Amazon PPC: Your FAQs Solved

Q: Why Should You Dive Into Amazon PPC Campaigns?


Think of Amazon PPC like your secret weapon to get your products in front of the exact folks searching for them.
It’s smart, it’s budget-friendly, and best of all, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This direct line to your product can boost your visibility, attract new customers, open up opportunities for seasonal promos, and crank up your product’s online presence.

Besides the usual Sponsored Product ads, you’ve got Headline Search Ads. These are the ones that grab attention by showing up in prime spots when someone searches for a keyword related to your product, either on mobile or desktop. They’re a bit more flashy since you can include your logo and more product details, giving your

Q: Who Can Advertise with Amazon PPC?


If you’ve got an active Amazon seller account, you’re in.
This includes sellers who can ship across the USA, especially if you’re not using Amazon’s FBA

The catch is, your ads are going nationwide, so you’ll want to ensure you can actually deliver. These ads are for new products only – sorry, no second-hand goods.
For Headline Search Ads, being part of Amazon Brand Registry is a must.

Q: How Much Will Amazon PPC Cost You?


You’re charged per click, with the costs deducted from your seller account or, if that’s running low, your linked credit card.
It’s a pay-as-you-go system, starting with a validation charge once you hit $1 in clicks.

Q: What should be my daily budget?


That’s up to you.
Set a max for the day, and Amazon sticks to it, whether that’s $10 or more, ensuring you don’t overspend.

Creating Killer Ads for Your Product Keywords are your magnets here; they draw in potential buyers by matching your ads with what people are searching for.
Whether you choose Sponsored Products or Headline Search Ads, you control your budget, campaign type, and how much you want to spend daily.
It’s all about making your product stand out and reaching the right audience.

Q: Is Sponsored Product Ad Creation Easy?


Absolutely. Amazon’s Seller Central guides you through setting up a campaign that can capture your audience’s attention, whether you’re going for automatic targeting or selecting your keywords manually.
You can organize your products into ad groups based on your strategy and budget, all within the same account for easy management.

Q: How PPC Can Secretly Supercharge Your Brand


Amazon PPC isn’t just about making direct sales; it’s like a secret tool for beefing up your brand and getting your name out there.
Think of it as planting seeds for the future.
Every time your ad shows up, it’s like a mini billboard for your brand.
Even if folks don’t click, they start recognizing your name.

It’s like leaving breadcrumbs that lead back to you. Next time someone’s in the market for what you’re selling, your brand might just pop into their head, or they might even recommend you to a friend.

Q: Should I invest in Amazon PPC ads or are they just a budget drain?


Amazon PPC ads are more than just a spend; they’re an investment in your product’s visibility, especially when you’re new to the market and organic reach isn’t enough.
They’re essential for driving traffic, increasing sales, and building brand awareness.
For both new and seasoned sellers, ads play defense by keeping your products in the spotlight. Each ad type serves a unique purpose, and a well-thought-out strategy involves using all three. Remember, it’s crucial to analyze your niche and budget carefully before diving in.

Q: Is it a good idea to use Sponsored Products for my product launch?


Absolutely! Sponsored Products use a PPC model to boost your individual product listings’ exposure to Amazon shoppers.
The main goals? To ramp up your product’s visibility, pull in more traffic to your product page, and kickstart your sales. It’s a strategic move for making a splash with your new product on Amazon.

Q: Can you tell me where Sponsored Products ads appear on Amazon?


Sure thing! Sponsored Products ads are pretty prominent—they pop up at the top of Amazon’s search results, looking just like the regular listings. They also make an appearance at the bottom of the page on a product’s listing. So, basically, they get prime real estate where shoppers are already looking.

Q: Why should I consider using Sponsored Products for my Amazon listings?


Sponsored Products offer a huge advantage by exposing your listings to a massive audience. As you can see in the graph, the impressions are off the charts compared to other PPC ad types. This exposure is key to introducing and promoting your new product to the widest range of Amazon shoppers, making it a critical component in any launch strategy.

And here’s a cool side effect:  PPC can actually boost your organic sales.

Imagine you’ve bagged 50 sales through PPC. Now, think about the organic sales that come from those initial PPC-driven sales, where customers find you the old-fashioned way, just by browsing Amazon. That’s the hidden power of PPC at work.

The bottom line

Amazon PPC lets you play the game smartly, with a strategy tailored to your products and budget. It’s all about finding the right approach to connect with your audience, enhance your brand visibility, and ultimately, drive sales.

Final thoughts

Let’s wrap this up:

Advanced PPC strategies are your key to shining on Amazon. It’s more than just chasing clicks; it’s about strategic growth, smarter spending, and reaching the right people. Taking the time to get these strategies down can make a huge difference, elevating your brand and boosting your sales in ways you might not have imagined. So, dive in, and let these advanced tactics work their magic for your Amazon store.

For extra support, our team is available at support@dragon-dealz.com

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