How to Sell Books on Amazon: Updated Guide for 2024.

Dive into the profitable world of Amazon book sales in 2024 with Dragon Dealz! Uncover cutting-edge strategies, insider tips, and the hottest trends to skyrocket your book profits. Don't miss out on transforming your literary passion into unparalleled success!


Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert
How to Sell Books on Amazon

Dive into the profitable world of Amazon book sales in 2024 with Dragon Dealz! Uncover cutting-edge strategies, insider tips, and the hottest trends to skyrocket your book profits. Don't miss out on transforming your literary passion into unparalleled success!

Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert


How to sell books on Amazon?  Selling books on Amazon is a cool way to earn some extra cash or even kickstart your own Amazon business.

The cool part?

You don’t need loads of cash to get going. You can actually start for free by offloading those old books you’re not reading anymore. This guide’s mainly for those interested in making a buck by flipping used books on Amazon, but it’s also handy for authors or anyone keen on selling new books there.

Before diving into the world of selling books on Amazon, make sure you’ve set up your Amazon Seller Central account and decide whether you’re going to ship books yourself or use Amazon’s fulfillment services (FBA or FBM- or a mix of both!)

Wondering how to snag books to sell on Amazon?

A smart move is to start with the old books you’ve got lying around. But, let’s be real, you’ll either run out of stock or find some of your books aren’t great for flipping. And yes, in case you’re wondering, flipping used books (and other stuff) on Amazon is totally legal and cool.

Just a heads up, though, you might hit some roadblocks with selling specific titles or authors. We’ll dig into that in the “How to sell books on Amazon” bit later on. The awesome thing about selling used books on Amazon is how cheap you can get them. Imagine picking up a textbook for a buck at a library sale and then flipping it for over $50 on Amazon. Score!

Now, let's run through six popular ways to hunt down used books to sell on Amazon.

Start with Your Own Stash

The easiest way to kick off your book-selling adventure? Sift through your place for books you no longer need. We’re talking textbooks, rare finds, niche gems like old comic books, or other cool non-fiction reads.

Fiction that’s mass-produced usually doesn’t do as well, so those might not be your best bet for Amazon.

Hit Up Book/Library Sales

Digging through book sales is like going on a treasure hunt. And guess what?
There’s almost always some sort of book sale popping up, especially at libraries.
Take a book scanner with you to these sales and keep an eye out for books that’ll sell well on Amazon.

Pairing a Bluetooth scanner with a book scanning app can really give you an edge, helping you spot profitable finds way faster than anyone else there. These scanning apps are gold for quickly figuring out how much you could make on Amazon after covering your costs and fees.

Online Arbitrage

Not into leaving the house? No worries. You can look for books on sites other than Amazon where they’re cheaper and then sell them on Amazon at a higher price. This trick is known as ‘online arbitrage.’

Just buy the book from another site at a low price, wait for it to get to you, and then pop it on Amazon for more. You can find deals on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Barnes & Noble, and loads more places.

Heads up, though:

if you’re thinking about selling new books on Amazon, make sure you’re getting them from a legit place like a publisher or distributor.
We’ll touch more on this later.

Buying in Bulk

Sometimes, you can score big by buying books in bulk online. This means grabbing whole lots or even truckloads of books from places like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook, often at super low prices. Just make sure these books haven’t been picked through or scanned already, or you might end up with a bunch of books nobody wants on Amazon.

Estate/Closing Sales

Estate sales, closing down sales, and moving sales can be goldmines for finding books. Often, you can snag whole collections for next to nothing.

Free Books

Keep an eye on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for folks giving away books for free. All you’ve got to do is go pick them up.

Just a tip:

be a bit cautious here. Sometimes these giveaways are from other sellers ditching books that didn’t fly off the virtual shelves.

Selling books on Amazon is the ultimate side hustle for bookworms…

Selling books on Amazon is the ultimate side hustle for bookworms turned entrepreneurs. It’s like tapping into an endless stream of readers hungry for your next recommendation. With Amazon’s massive audience, easy listing process, and direct-to-consumer shipping, turning your literary passion into profit has never been simpler or more rewarding.

Posted by: Alissa Kimball Amazon FBA expert

What Books Fly Off the Virtual Shelves on Amazon (And Which Ones Don't)

Looking for books to sell on Amazon? You’ll want to pick ones that fly off the virtual shelves instead of gathering digital dust. Let’s break down what sells and what doesn’t.

What's Hot:


The MVPs of Amazon book sales. They’re always needed, especially when school’s starting. Even older editions can make you a pretty penny. Just watch out for publisher restrictions on selling.

Niche Books

Got something rare or part of a big collection? It’s likely to do well because there’s less competition. Think niche hobbies or series, like Dungeons & Dragons books.

Comic Books

Whether it’s single issues or graphic novels, comics have a solid fanbase on Amazon. And if you’ve got collectible ones, you could score big.


First editions, signed copies, or anything with a “collectible” vibe can attract buyers. Double-check Amazon’s rules on selling collectibles first, though.


Generally, non-fiction outsells fiction. It holds value better and is more sought after in the resale market.


They command higher prices than paperbacks and tend to keep their value.

What's Not:


It’s a tougher sell. There’s just more of it out there, and people don’t hang onto fiction books like they do non-fiction.

Children’s Books

They’re quickly outgrown and have lower prices, making profits slim.

Popular New Books

Competing with Amazon directly? Tough. They usually have the best prices on new, hot releases.

So, when you’re hunting for books to sell, aim for the winners and steer clear of the types that are harder to turn a profit on.

Seriously, selling books on Amazon is like hitting a gold mine…

Seriously, selling books on Amazon is like hitting a gold mine with the right map. The profit margins can be surprisingly sweet if you know your way around rare finds, trending genres, and used book arbitrage. It’s not just about selling; it’s about smart sourcing and tapping into a global audience ready to buy. Your home library could literally turn into a cash-generating machine.

Posted by: Sam Rodgers Amazon FBA expert

Making Bank with Books: How to Figure Out Your Amazon Sales and Profits

So, you’ve got the lowdown on hunting down books and picking the right ones to flip.

But how do you make sure you're actually going to make some money?

Before you go buying a bunch of books to resell, there are a couple of things you’ve got to check out.

First off, you gotta look at the book’s popularity, or in Amazon terms, its Best Sellers Rank (BSR).
If a book’s BSR is in the basement, it’s probably not going to sell at all.

Next up, you need to figure out if you can sell it at a profit. This means looking at how much you can sell it for versus how much it’s going to cost you.

Here’s the deal with the Best Sellers Rank: Every product on Amazon has a BSR.
The golden rule here? The lower the BSR, the hotter the item.
A book that’s ranked #1 is flying off the shelves, selling hundreds a day.
On the flip side, a book chilling at #1,000,000 might not see a sale for months.

You can find a book’s BSR right on its Amazon page in the product details section.

Book Selling: Tools to Predict Sales and Profits on Amazon

Before you dive into the world of selling books on Amazon, you’ll want to have a good idea of how likely your books are to sell and what kind of profits you might be looking at

Here’s a breakdown of tools that can help:

JS and H10 Free Estimator Tool

Just enter the book’s Best Sellers Rank (BSR), your selling market, and category. Voilà, it tells you the estimated monthly sales. So, if a book is moving 3,000 units a month, you’re looking at about 10 sales a day.


Many sellers swear by their handheld scanners to find gems while book hunting. For an even smoother process, Amazon’s mobile seller app includes a scanner feature that gives you the lowdown on price, FBA fees, estimated profits, BSR, how many are selling it, and the official Amazon category.

Book Selling

If you’re really serious about selling books, consider a dedicated book scanning app. When paired with a Bluetooth scanner, you’ll zip through hundreds of books in no time, easily spotting the ones with profit-making potential. With these tools in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to making informed decisions about what books to sell on Amazon.

Figuring Out Your Cash Flow: Estimating Profit on Book Sales

So, you’ve found a book with a sweet rank and it looks like a solid seller.

What's next?

Time to see if it’s going to make you any money. Your go-to tools for this are going to be a book scanner app or the Amazon Seller app.
They’re pretty much the MVPs for spotting profitable books.

You’ve got another trick up your sleeve as well- Amazon’s FBA Revenue Calculator.
It’s super easy: just pop in the book’s ISBN, add your costs, and bam, it tells you all about the fees you’re going to face and the profit you could pocket.

Heads up: If you’re cool with keeping books at your place for a while, or you don’t mind coughing up a bit extra for storage fees (if you’re using FBA), then listing slower-selling books is totally an option. Just do what feels right for you!
Top of Form

Costs of Selling Books on Amazon

Selling books on Amazon comes with its share of fees, just like most online platforms.

Here's the rundown:

Individual vs. Subscription Fee:

You can choose between an individual seller account or a professional seller account. If you’re only selling 40 or fewer items a month, the individual account is for you.

It doesn’t have a monthly fee, but Amazon takes an extra $0.99 off each sale you make.

If you’re aiming to sell more than 40 items a month, you might want to consider the professional account. You won’t get hit with the $0.99 per-item fee, but there’s a monthly subscription of $39.99. This fee comes out of your account balance or can be charged to a credit card you have on file.
Referral Fee:

Amazon takes a cut of 15% from your book’s selling price. So, for a book sold at $10, you’ll see $1.50 go to Amazon. This fee is deducted after the sale, so no need to pay anything upfront.

Closing Fee:

For books (and other media items like DVDs and CDs), there’s a flat fee of $1.80 per sale. Only sellers in the media category need to stress over this. And just like the referral fee, it’s taken from your sale proceeds, meaning you’re not paying out of pocket in advance.

Shipping Costs:
You’ve got two choices for getting your books to buyers:

  • Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM): You’re in charge of shipping books yourself. Costs will vary based on your shipping method, materials, and labor.
  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Amazon handles storage, picking, packing, and shipping. The FBA fee, based on your book’s size and weight, often ends up cheaper than DIY shipping, plus Amazon does the heavy lifting.
Storage Fees:

Using FBA means paying storage fees for books kept in Amazon’s warehouses. At the end of each month, you’re charged for the space your books take up. And if your books sit for over 180 days, there’s an extra surcharge to watch out for.

Selling books on Amazon comes with its own set of fees, but understanding them can help you navigate costs and focus on making sales.

Starting your Amazon book empire on a shoestring?

Starting your Amazon book empire on a shoestring? Totally doable. With as little as $100, you can begin. Hunt down underpriced gems at garage sales, thrift stores, or your own shelf. Amazon’s fees are manageable, and if you play your cards right, that initial investment could multiply. Welcome to low-budget, high-reward territory!

Posted by: Alissa Kimball Amazon FBA expert

Is Flipping Books on Amazon Worth Your Time?

Absolutely, selling books on Amazon can be a real moneymaker if you’ve got access to a steady stream of books that bring in a profit.

Why's it a good deal? Let's dive into some juicy stats from Jungle Scout's State of the Seller Report:

8% of Amazon book sellers

have pocketed profits between $100,000-$500,000.

A cool 18.9% of them

are enjoying profit margins of 26%-50%.

For 21% of

it only took less than 3 months to start seeing profits.

One of the sweetest parts of selling used books on Amazon is how dirt cheap you can source them- sometimes even for free.

Hitting up library or estate sales? Those places are looking to clear out, which means you might snag books for as little as $0.25 a pop. So, yeah, selling books on Amazon?

Definitely worth a shot.

New Books vs. Used: What to Sell on Amazon

We’ve been chatting a lot about flipping used books on Amazon, but what’s the deal with selling brand new ones?
Sure, you can totally sell brand new books on Amazon, especially if you’re the author or you’ve got the green light from the author, publisher, or distributor.
And if you’re looking to self-publish, Amazon KDP is your go-to.

Let me give you a quick example:

New Books:

Selling new books on Amazon is cool if you’re the author or have direct permission to sell.
While you can try reselling new books like you would with used ones, you might hit some snags with restrictions or low profit margins unless you’re getting them wholesale from a legit source. That’s your ticket to better profits.

Used Books:

The allure of selling used books is strong because they’re easy to find and usually cheap to buy. You can scoop them up for next to nothing and flip them for a good chunk of change.
With millions of books out there, the hunt for profitable used books to sell is pretty much endless.

How Do You Sell a Book on Amazon?

After you’ve signed up to sell on Amazon, you’re ready to start listing your books.
The simplest way to get your books up for sale is to head to the book’s product detail page on Amazon.

Yep, you can list your book directly from its existing Amazon page, no need to create a brand new listing from scratch.
Once you list your book, it’ll show up right there with the other sellers.

To get to the product listing page, just type the book’s ISBN (that’s like its unique ID) into the
“Add Products” section on Seller Central or the Amazon Seller App.

Got the book’s ASIN (Amazon’s own version of an ID number) instead? You can use that too.

But hey, if the book came out before 1970, it’s not going to have an ISBN. No worries, though—you’ll just need to punch in the title yourself.

To find the ASIN for the book you’re selling, just scroll down to the product details on its listing page.

Next, look up that book in Seller Central.
On the following page, pick the book’s condition and hit “Sell this product.”

Here's what you'll need to fill out:

  • SKU: Think of this as your personal ID for the book. You can make it anything that’ll help you remember it. If you skip this, Amazon will whip up one for you.
  • Price: Set your price with the book’s condition in mind. A book listed as ‘Acceptable’ usually goes for less than one in ‘Very Good’ shape. Don’t just automatically undercut the lowest price out there; it can start a price-dropping war. If your book is in nice shape, it can still sell even if there are cheaper but lower-quality options.
  • Quantity: Got more than one copy? Put the total number here. If not, it’ll just set to one.
  • Condition: You’ve got options from ‘New’ to ‘Acceptable’. There’s also ‘Collectible’ conditions if that’s your thing. Heads up: maybe steer clear of listing a book as ‘New’, even if it’s pristine. Publishers or Amazon might ask for proof, like an invoice.
  • Fulfillment Channel: Decide between FBM or FBA (the difference was covered earlier).

Here's what you'll need to fill out:

For FBM: Your book will pop up on its Amazon page in about 15-30 minutes. Just sit tight until it sells.

For FBA: You’ll need to get your book ready to send to Amazon. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks for your book to arrive at Amazon’s warehouse. Once it’s there, give Amazon another 3 days to a week to sort it out and get it into their system. During super busy times, like the holidays, it might take a bit longer.

Amazon vs. eBay for Selling Books: My Take

Between selling books on Amazon and eBay, I’ve got to say, Amazon takes the win for me. I’ve tried both, but Amazon has been way more fruitful.

Here's why I'm team Amazon:

  • Inventory Hassle-Free: With Amazon, you don’t need to stress about storing your own books. Amazon’s got you covered with their fulfillment centers, and they’ll even handle shipping (thanks to FBA).
  • Best-Seller Rankings (BSR): Amazon ranks each book by how well it sells, making it super easy to guess which books will fly off the virtual shelf. This is a huge time-saver.
  • More Eyes on Your Books: Amazon pulls in way more online traffic compared to eBay and has way fewer sellers. That means your books have a bigger audience and more chances to sell.

Final thoughts:

Wrapping up, flipping books on Amazon not only has the potential for solid profit but also brings the thrill of the hunt.
Whether it’s finding that rare gem at a yard sale or leveraging tools to predict the next best-seller, Dragon Dealz is here to amplify your success.

We’re dedicated to helping Amazon book sellers navigate the ins and outs, ensuring you make the most out of every page you turn.
Happy selling!

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