How To Do Product Listing

From beginner FBA seller to 7-figure expert, Amazon FBA sellers get Tie-Breaking tips and news here.


Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert
Amazon Listing Optimization
From beginner FBA seller to 7-figure expert, Amazon FBA sellers get Tie-Breaking tips and news here.
Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert


If you are an Amazon FBA seller, you know how important it is to optimize your product listings for the platform. Whether you are a beginner or a 7-figure expert, you can always benefit from some tips and updates on how to improve your Amazon keyword ranking and conversions. In this article, we will show you how to do product listing optimization using Amazon’s search practices and A9 algorithm. By following these guidelines, you can make your products more visible and appealing to your target customers.


What is Product Listing Optimization?

Product listing optimization is the process of making your product pages more relevant, informative, and persuasive for Amazon’s search engine and shoppers. It involves using the right keywords, titles, descriptions, images, and other elements to showcase your product’s features and benefits. The goal of product listing optimization is to rank higher on Amazon’s search results, attract more clicks and views, and ultimately increase your sales and profits.


How to Find and Use the Right Keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases that customers use to search for products on Amazon. They are also the words and phrases that Amazon’s A9 algorithm uses to match your products with the search queries. Therefore, finding and using the right keywords is crucial for product listing optimization.

The first step is to do keyword research. You can use various tools and methods to find the most relevant and popular keywords for your product niche and category. Some of the tools you can use are:

  • Amazon’s search bar autocomplete feature
  • Amazon’s related searches and sponsored products sections
  • Keyword research tools like Ahrefs, Helium 10, or [Jungle Scout]

The next step is to use the keywords strategically in your product listing. You should use your primary keyword (the most important and relevant one) in your product title, and your secondary keywords (the ones that are less important but still relevant) in your backend keywords, product descriptions, and filter terms. Here are some best practices for using keywords in your product listing:

  • Use your primary keyword at the beginning of your product title, followed by your brand name, product type, key features, size, color, and quantity (if applicable).
  • Use your secondary keywords in your product description, preferably in bullet points format. Each bullet point should highlight a feature or benefit of your product, using a keyword that matches the customer’s search intent.
  • Use your backend keywords to include synonyms, variations, and long-tail keywords that you couldn’t fit in your product title or description. Backend keywords are not visible to customers, but they are indexed by Amazon’s algorithm. You can enter up to 250 characters of backend keywords in your Seller Central account.
  • Use your filter terms to help customers narrow down their search results by selecting specific attributes of your product, such as size, color, style, material, etc. Filter terms are also not visible to customers, but they are indexed by Amazon’s algorithm. You can enter up to 1,000 characters of filter terms in your Seller Central account.


How to Write Compelling Titles and Descriptions

Your product title and description are the most important parts of your product listing. They are the first things that customers see when they search for products on Amazon, and they are the main factors that influence their decision to click on your product page or not. Therefore, you should write compelling titles and descriptions that capture the customer’s attention and interest, and persuade them to buy your product.

Here are some tips for writing effective titles and descriptions:

  • Use clear and concise language that describes your product accurately and positively. Avoid using vague, generic, or misleading words that could confuse or disappoint customers.
  • Use emotional and sensory words that appeal to the customer’s feelings and imagination. For example, instead of saying “soft and comfortable”, you could say “cozy and cuddly”.
  • Use power words and phrases that trigger the customer’s curiosity and desire. For example, instead of saying “high-quality and durable”, you could say “premium and long-lasting”.
  • Use numbers and symbols to make your title and description stand out and easy to read. For example, you could use numbers to quantify your product’s features or benefits, such as “10x faster” or “50% off”. You could also use symbols to separate different parts of your title or description, such as dashes, commas, or parentheses.
  • Use keywords naturally and strategically, without overdoing it or stuffing them. Remember to use your primary keyword in your title, and your secondary keywords in your description. Make sure your keywords match the customer’s search intent and the product’s features and benefits.


How to Choose and Optimize Your Product Images

Your product images are another essential part of your product listing. They are the visual representation of your product, and they can make or break your sales. Customers rely on your product images to see what your product looks like, how it works, and how it can solve their problems or satisfy their needs. Therefore, you should choose and optimize your product images to show your product in the best possible light.

Here are some guidelines for choosing and optimizing your product images:

  • Use high-quality and high-resolution images that are clear, sharp, and bright. Your images should be at least 1,000 pixels on the longest side, and have a white or transparent background.
  • Use multiple images to show different angles, perspectives, and details of your product. You should have at least five images, including a main image, a zoomed-in image, a lifestyle image, an infographic image, and a comparison image.
  • Use your main image to show your product on its own, without any props, text, or logos. Your main image should fill at least 85% of the frame, and show the product’s front and center.
  • Use your zoomed-in image to show a close-up view of your product’s features, quality, or texture. Your zoomed-in image should highlight a specific aspect of your product that customers would want to see in detail.
  • Use your lifestyle image to show your product in use, in a realistic and relevant setting. Your lifestyle image should demonstrate how your product can benefit the customer, or how it can fit into their lifestyle.
  • Use your infographic image to show your product’s dimensions, specifications, or instructions. Your infographic image should use simple graphics, icons, or text to convey important information about your product that customers need to know.
  • Use your comparison image to show your product’s advantages, differences, or alternatives. Your comparison image should use charts, tables, or lists to compare your product with other products in the same category, or with different versions or models of your product.


How to Master the Art of Product Listing on Amazon

In summary, mastering the art of product listing on Amazon is a combination of finding and using the right keywords, writing compelling titles and descriptions, and choosing and optimizing your product images. By following these steps, you can optimize your product listings effectively and boost your visibility, clicks, and sales on Amazon. Remember, the goal is not just to list your products, but to make them discoverable and appealing to your potential customers. Happy selling!

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