How To Perform Keyword Research for Amazon Products?

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Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert
How To Perform Keyword Research for Amazon Products
From beginner FBA seller to 7-figure expert, Amazon FBA sellers get Tie-Breaking tips and news here.
Posted by Dragon Dealz Amazon FBA Expert




Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the words and phrases that potential customers use to search for products on Amazon. It is an essential part of optimizing your product listings and improving your ranking and visibility on the platform.

How to Find Keywords for Amazon Products

There are many ways to find keywords for Amazon products, but the most common and effective ones are:

  • Using Amazon autocomplete and related searches
  • Using Amazon keyword tools
  • Analyzing your competitors’ listings
  • Using other sources, such as Google, social media, forums, etc.

Let’s take a look at each of these methods in more detail.

Using Amazon Autocomplete and Related Searches

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to find keywords for Amazon products is to use Amazon’s own features: autocomplete and related searches.

Autocomplete is the feature that suggests possible search terms as you type in the search box. It is based on the popularity and frequency of the searches that other users have made on Amazon. Autocomplete can help you to discover the most common and relevant keywords for your products, as well as long-tail keywords that are more specific and less competitive.

Related searches are the feature that shows you a list of similar or related search terms at the bottom of the search results page. They are based on the semantic and contextual similarity of the searches that other users have made on Amazon. Related searches can help you to find more variations and alternatives of your main keywords, as well as new ideas and angles for your products.

To use autocomplete and related searches, you can simply type in your main keyword or product name in the search box and see what suggestions and related terms appear. You can also add different letters, numbers, or modifiers (such as colors, sizes, brands, etc.) to your keyword to generate more results.

However, there are some limitations and drawbacks of using autocomplete and related searches. First, they do not show you any data or metrics, such as search volume, competition, or profitability, for the keywords. You will need to use other tools or methods to validate and analyze the keywords. Second, they do not show you all the possible keywords that exist for your products. You might miss out on some important or hidden keywords that are not popular or relevant enough to appear in the suggestions. Third, they are not very reliable or consistent, as they can change frequently based on the seasonality, trends, or user behavior.

Using Amazon Keyword Tools

Another way to find keywords for Amazon products is to use Amazon keyword tools. These are specialized tools that are designed to help you find, analyze, and optimize keywords for Amazon. They can provide you with various data and metrics, such as search volume, clicks, competition, relevance, performance, and profitability, for the keywords. They can also help you to generate more keyword ideas, filter and sort the keywords, and export and save the keywords.

There are many Amazon keyword tools available in the market, but some of the most popular and reliable ones are:

  • Keyword Tool for Amazon: This is a free tool that uses Amazon autocomplete to generate hundreds of keyword suggestions for any product. It also shows you the search volume, clicks, and CPC for the keywords. The paid version, Keyword Tool Pro, provides more keywords, features, and data.
  • Ahrefs Amazon Keyword Tool: This is a paid tool that uses clickstream data to provide accurate and reliable search volume, clicks, and other metrics for the keywords. It also shows you the global volume, clicked/not clicked ratio, clicks per search, and return rate for the keywords. It supports 170 countries and has a large database of keywords.
  • SellerApp Amazon Keyword Tool: This is a free tool that uses Amazon’s API to provide relevant and profitable keyword suggestions for any product. It also shows you the search volume, CPC, and competition for the keywords. The paid version, SellerApp Pro, provides more tools and features to help you optimize your product listings and increase your sales.

Amazon keyword tools have some drawbacks. First, they are not free, and some are expensive. You will need to pay a fee to use their features and data. Second, they are not always accurate or up-to-date, as they use different sources and methods to get and estimate the data. You might see some variations in the data across different tools. Third, they are not very comprehensive, as they might not have all the keywords or niches for your products. You might miss some key or hidden keywords that are not in their databases. So, Amazon keyword tools are not perfect for finding and analyzing keywords for Amazon products. You will need to use other methods and sources to improve your keyword research.

Analyzing Your Competitors’ Listings

You can also find keywords for Amazon products by analyzing your competitors’ listings. These are the product pages of other sellers who sell products like yours. They can give you keyword ideas, as they show you what keywords they use and how they optimize their listings. To do this, you can search for your main keyword or product name on Amazon and see what products show up. You can use filters, categories, and ratings to narrow down your results.

You can then click on the products that are closest to yours and check their listings. You should look at these elements:

  • Title: This is the most important part of your listing, as it is the first thing that customers and the algorithm see. It should have your main keyword and the most relevant and attractive features and benefits of your product. You can see what keywords your competitors use in their titles and how they format and structure them. 
  • Bullet points: These are the second most important part of your listing, as they give more details and information about your product. They should have your secondary keywords and the most important and unique features and benefits of your product. You can see what keywords your competitors use in their bullet points and how they write and organize them. 
  • Description: This is the third most important part of your listing, as it gives more space and opportunity to persuade and convince customers to buy your product. It should have your long-tail keywords and the most comprehensive and compelling features and benefits of your product. You can see what keywords your competitors use in their descriptions and how they explain and highlight them. 
  • Backend search terms: These are the hidden keywords that you can enter in the backend of your seller account to help Amazon index your product for more relevant searches. They should have your niche keywords and the most common variations, synonyms, and misspellings of your main keywords. You can see what keywords your competitors use in their backend search terms by using tools like [Helium 10] or [ZonGuru]. 
  • Reviews and ratings: These are the feedback and ratings that customers leave for your product after buying it. They can affect the buying decisions and trust of other customers, as well as the ranking and performance of your product. You can see what keywords your competitors get in their reviews and ratings and how they handle and solve them. 

By doing this, you can learn from their strengths and weaknesses, and find out what keywords they target and how they optimize their listings. You can also use their keywords to improve your own listings or find gaps and opportunities to make your products different. 

But there are also some limitations and drawbacks of doing this. 

  • it can take a lot of time and effort, as you will need to manually check and compare many listings for each product. 
  • it can be wrong or inaccurate, as you might not know the exact strategy or intention behind your competitors’ listings. They might use the wrong keywords, over-optimize their listings, or break Amazon’s rules. 
  • it can be risky or unethical, as you might want to copy or imitate your competitors’ listings, which can cause duplicate content, plagiarism, or legal problems.

Using Other Sources

To do this, you can search for your main keyword or product name on different platforms and see what they show you. You can also use tools like [AnswerThePublic] or [BuzzSumo] to find more questions, topics, and trends related to your products. Some sources to check are:

  • Google: Use its autocomplete, related searches, [People also ask], [Keyword Planner], and [Trends] features to find keywords, data, and trends for your products.
  • Social media: Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to find keywords, topics, and hashtags related to your products, and interact with customers and influencers.
  • Forums: Use communities like Reddit, Quora, Stack Exchange, etc. to find keywords, questions, and discussions related to your products, and learn from experts and enthusiasts.
  • Blogs: Use websites like Medium, WordPress, Blogger, etc. to find keywords, articles, and reviews related to your products, and collaborate with authors and influencers.

So, while using other sources is a useful way to find keywords for Amazon products, it is not enough. You will need to use your own logic and intuition to filter and prioritize the keywords that are most relevant and profitable for your products on Amazon.

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